Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Running free

I want to run. Today when my Mom took us outside for a walk I tried to run, but my leash only lets me go a short distance away. If we didn't live in an apartment complex I would be able to run more often because it wouldn't be against the rules to be off leash. I know my Mom tries to let us off leash as often as possible and takes us to the dog park sometimes, but I just love to run all the time!

When I lived with my Grandma for two years I got to run around a lot! I could even come and go from in the house to outside whenever I wanted. I enjoyed living there because of the freedom, but I missed my Mommy a lot. After I took myself on a walk through the neighborhood exploring, my Grandma then made me wear a special collar that would beep and zap me if I tried to leave her yard. At the time I didn't like that collar, but now that I am always on a leash I would like to go back to the collar if it meant I could have more freedom to run.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Friday Fun Day

OHBOYOHBOYOHBOY!!!  Yesterday people came over to see me and it was sooooooo exciting!  The picture above was my running to great them on their way to the door.  I ran sooooo fast because I was super happy to see them.  Then I wiggled my butt and tried to give them kisses.

They all played ball with me and pet me and one even snuggled with me!! I had such a good time, it was super sad when they left and didn't take me with them.  Above is a picture of my ball in Miss Dylan's lap.  She wasn't throwing it fast enough for me, so I put it as close to her hands as possible!

This is Miss Cheryl laying on the ground playing ball with me and then snuggling with me on the chair.  I love Miss Cheryl a lot!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


So far today has been very boring and I am decidedly depressed. My Mommy slept late, again, even though Judeau and I really had to pee.  But with her staying in bed it gave me extra time to snuggle up against her and try to get her to pet me.  She didn't but I know she wanted to!  Then we finally got to go outside, which was great but rainy.  I hate getting rained on, it makes me cold.  When we got back in the house I made Mommy play ball with me.  She always tries to quit after a couple of throws but I make her keep going by throwing the ball into her hands.  After that Judeau tried to play, but I promptly shut that idea down by stealing the ball out of his mouth and pushing him out of the way so I could catch it! Of course I didn't get to play ball for too long before my Mom quit and started reading her dumb book again. Although, she did let me snuggle with her to some more and she pet me for a bit. She never pets me long enough so I end up laying my head in her face until she makes me move or keeps petting me.  Now my Mommy is gone. I don't know where she goes or why she never takes me with her, so I am going to sleep on her side of the bed until she gets back. Then my depression will be totally gone and I will be soooooooo super excited that she is back to play and love me!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Everyone loves me!

After thinking about how to start my blogs from the dog, which is me, the cutest, snuggliest, best ball player in the world, I decided the first post will be some of my favorite pictures.

Hi everyone! I've got a beautiful smile don't I? The other dog in the picture is my buddy Judeau, and those are my Mommy's legs. 

This is my Mom and I snuggling up on the sofa. I love her sooooo much, I just have to be touching her at all times!

Oh, my treadmill, my treadmill!!! I love exercising and on this night I made my Mommy start it for me so I could burn off some extra energy before bed. 

WHAT IS THAT??  I  was very hesitant to get close enough to investigate, scared that it would attack me! Then I swam around a bit because I love swimming.  I even tried to play ball while swimming but it kept running away from me!

haha, Mom caught me burrowed in her bed. Snoozing on her side is better because it smells like her so I feel like we're cuddled up together even when she's not home to nap with me! 

This is all of us during a hike at Shenandoah park in Virginia. We always have so much fun hanging out together. There is so much love, I just can't help myself from giving my Mom kisses sometimes!