Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tryon hike

I had a fantastic day today!  My Mommy surprised Judeau and I by taking us for a car ride where we met up with my favorite person, Miss Cheryl!  Then we hiked around the beautiful forest and got to have the mud smoosh into my toes as I tried to pull Miss Cheryl along the trail faster and faster. Man it was such a great time! Afterwards, we all drove to where Mom and Miss Cheryl go to school. That part of the day was super boring, but we did get to run around a little and meet some new people, that was nice.  Now I am home, have eaten dinner, had some water and am snuggled up with my Mommy all warm and cozy. I hope we all get to do it again soon, because I really enjoyed the exercise, fresh air and sniffing all the new scents. 

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